Kingdom Rush Pc Save File

Kingdom Rush Origins format save data to readable achievements. data-from-versioncontrol-steamdb.php.

Kingdom Rush Origins format save data to readable achievements.
  1. 🎮 🎲 Fun: ★★★★★ Challenge: ★★★★★ 💬 I you're a fan of tower defence (aka TD) THIS game is made.
  2. EduAAA: Where is the save folder on PC? On my Windows 10 machine it's C: Users USERNAME AppData Roaming kingdomrushfrontiers It should be the same location in Windows 7 and 8.
><?phpif (!is_file('filtered-savefile.php')) {die('Unable to get filtered data, please run save-file.php first.');}require'filtered-savefile.php';//$string = 'achievements/HARD_MODE/defaultvalue: 0achievements/HARD_MODE/description: Complete the Campaign in Veteran difficulty.achievements/HARD_MODE/displayName: Supreme Defenderachievements/HARD_MODE/hidden: 0achievements/HARD_MODE/icon: a471516a41805961e260f89630d5bfa528633bd4.jpgachievements/HARD_MODE/icongray: b4bbebb5446dfbc8d919c399658232fa8035c045.jpgachievements/IMPOSSIBLE_MODE/defaultvalue: 0...';$string = str_replace(['rn', 'r', 'n'], 'n', trim($string));$stringLines = explode('n', $string);$totalAchievementsLines = count($stringLines) / 6;$achievementsArray = [];echo'total achievements: ' . $totalAchievementsLines . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;if (is_array($stringLines)) {$workingKey = ';foreach ($stringLinesas$eachLine) {if (empty(trim($eachLine))) {continue; }preg_match('#/(?P<key>.+)/(?P<definename>.+):s+(?P<definevalue>.+)#', $eachLine, $matches);if (isset($matches['key']) && isset($matches['definename']) && isset($matches['definevalue'])) {if ($workingKey') {$workingKey = $matches['key']; }if (!isset($achievementsArray[$workingKey])) {$achievementsArray[$workingKey] = []; } elseif ($matches['definename'] 'displayName') {$achievementsArray[$workingKey]['name'] = $matches['definevalue']; } elseif ($matches['definename'] 'description') {$achievementsArray[$workingKey]['desc'] = $matches['definevalue']; }if (isset($achievementsArray[$workingKey]['name']) && isset($achievementsArray[$workingKey]['desc'])) {$workingKey = '; } } } unset($workingKey);}$matchedAchievementsInSave = ';$matchedCount = 0;if (is_array($savedata)) {foreach ($savedataas$eachKey) {if (array_key_exists($eachKey, $achievementsArray)) {$matchedAchievementsInSave .= $eachKey . ' =&gt; ';$matchedAchievementsInSave .= '<strong>' . $achievementsArray[$eachKey]['name'] . '</strong><br>' . PHP_EOL;$matchedAchievementsInSave .= str_repeat('&nbsp;', 9) . PHP_EOL;$matchedAchievementsInSave .= '<span>' . $achievementsArray[$eachKey]['desc'] . '</span>' . PHP_EOL;$matchedAchievementsInSave .= '<br>' . PHP_EOL;$matchedAchievementsInSave .= '<br>' . PHP_EOL; unset($achievementsArray[$eachKey]);$matchedCount++; } }}echo'matched achievements in save file: ' . $matchedCount . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;echo$matchedAchievementsInSave . PHP_EOL;unset($matchedAchievementsInSave, $matchedCount);echo'<hr>' . PHP_EOL;echo'achievements that don't have any counter: ' . count($achievementsArray) . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;foreach ($achievementsArrayas$key => $item) {echo$key . ' =&gt; ';echo'<strong>' . $item['name'] . '</strong><br>' . PHP_EOL;echostr_repeat('&nbsp;', 9) . PHP_EOL;echo'<span>' . $item['desc'] . '</span>' . PHP_EOL;echo'<br>' . PHP_EOL;echo'<br>' . PHP_EOL;}echo'thanks to <a href=''></a><br>' . PHP_EOL;echo 'see guide here <a href=''></a>
Kingdom Rush Pc Save FileFile
$str = '['ARCANE_BURST'] = xxx;
['ART_OF_WAR'] = xxx;
['BEORNINGS'] = xxx;
$str = str_replace(['rn', 'r', 'n'], 'n', $str);
$exploded = explode('n', $str);
$keynames = [];
if (is_array($exploded)) {
foreach ($explodedas$eachLine) {
preg_match('#([a-z_]+)#i', $eachLine, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1])) {
$keynames[] = $matches[1];
echo'<pre>' . var_export($keynames, true) . '</pre>' . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents('filtered-savefile.php', '<?php' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '$savedata = ' . var_export($keynames, true) . ';' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
Kingdom Rush Pc Save FileSave

Kingdom Rush Pc Save File Download

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