Visual Basic Code For Simple Calculator


  1. If you pick up a cheap calculator, you will find that this is how they work. If you press 3 × 4 +, pressing + instructs the calculator to complete the previous calculation of 3 × 4 and puts + on the operator stack. Then if you press 2 = it uses the value in the accumulator (12) and completes the next operation + 2 resulting in 14.
  2. This wikiHow teaches you how to use Microsoft's Visual Basic 6.0 to create a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Keep in mind that Visual Basic 6.0 is no longer used by modern computers, so you'll need to have it installed and running on your computer in order to be able to use it.

If you're new to the Visual Basic IDE, looking to brush up on your VB programming skills, or simply have a burning desire to code a simple calculator, this three-part video lesson is for you. Here's the code used.

In this video we will learn creating a very Simple Calculator using Visual Basics .net.

Get the source code from here:

Create Calculator In Visual Basic

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