Web Server Stress Test Tool Open Source


Open, Systems Testing Architecture OpenSTA is a distributed software testing architecture designed around CORBA, it was originally developed to be commercial software by CYRANO. The current toolset has the capability of performing scripted HTTP and HTTPS heavy load tests with performance measurements from Win32 platforms. Download Web server stress tool for free. This software provides an easy way to test performance of a web site by allowing developers to record scripts and simulate load of many simulaneous connection in a short period of time. While Badboy offers some elementary load testing features, to do real stress testing you often need much more. Rather than trying to offer all of the features of a complete load testing product, Badboy integrates with a free, open source product called JMeter. We use Grinderto run load/stress and functional tests against web services. We've never used it for web pages but its supposed to do that as well. Melodyne activation. You can really beat your servers up by installing the Grinder 'agents' on a few machines that then spawn a bunch of processes to hit your site to simulate multiple connections. The service my company provides is not open source, but it's pretty cool and builds on open source. It's a load testing service that uses real browsers to play back load (as opposed to simulated HTTP/virtual users). We use Selenium as the playback engine, which should be somewhat familiar for WatiN users.


Web Application Vulnerability Scanners are automated tools that scan web applications, normally from the outside, to look for security vulnerabilities such as Cross-site scripting, SQL Injection, Command Injection, Path Traversal and insecure server configuration. This category of tools is frequently referred to as Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tools. A large number of both commercial and open source tools of this type are available and all of these tools have their own strengths and weaknesses. If you are interested in the effectiveness of DAST tools, check out the OWASP Benchmark project, which is scientifically measuring the effectiveness of all types of vulnerability detection tools, including DAST.

Here we provide a list of vulnerability scanning tools currently available in the market.

Disclaimer: The tools listing in the table below are presented in alphabetical order. OWASP does not endorse any of the Vendors or Scanning Tools by listing them in the table below.

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OWASP is aware of the Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Evaluation Project (WAVSEP). WAVSEP is completely unrelated to OWASP and we do not endorse its results, nor any of the DAST tools it evaluates. However, the results provided by WAVSEP may be helpful to someone interested in researching or selecting free and/or commercial DAST tools for their projects. This project has far more detail on DAST tools and their features than this OWASP DAST page.

Web Server Stress Test Tool Open Source Example

Tools Listing

Abbey ScanMisterScannerCommercialSaaS
AcunetixAcunetixCommercialWindows, Linux, MacOSFree (Limited Capability)
App ScannerTrustwaveCommercialWindows
AppCheck Ltd.AppCheck Ltd.CommercialSaaSFree trial scan available
AppScanHCL SoftwareCommercialWindows
AppScan on CloudHCL SoftwareCommercialSaaS
AppTrana Website Security ScanAppTranaFreeSaaS
ArachniArachniFreeMost platforms supportedFree for most use cases
BREACHLOCK Dynamic Application Security TestingBREACHLOCKCommercialSaaS
BlueClosure BC DetectBlueClosureCommercialMost platforms supported2 week trial
Burp SuitePortSwigerCommercialMost platforms supportedFree (Limited Capability)
ContrastContrast SecurityCommercialSaaS or On-PremisesFree (Full featured for 1 App)
Crashtest SecurityCrashtest SecurityCommercialSaaS or On-Premises
Cyber ChiefAudacixCommercialSaaS or On-Premises
Digifort- InspectDigifortCommercialSaaS
GoLismeroGoLismero TeamOpen SourceWindows, Linux and MacintoshGPLv2.0
GrabberRomain GaucherOpen SourcePython 2.4, BeautifulSoup and PyXML
GravityscanDefiant, Inc.CommercialSaaSFree (Limited Capability)
Grendel-ScanDavid ByrneOpen SourceWindows, Linux and Macintosh
HostedScan.comHostedScan.comCommercialSaaSFree Forever
ImmuniWebHigh-Tech BridgeCommercialSaaSFree (Limited Capability)
Indusface Web Application ScanningIndusfaceCommercialSaaSFree trial available
InsightVMRapid7CommercialSaaSFree trial available
IntruderIntruder Ltd.Commercial
K2 Security PlatformK2 Cyber SecurityCommercialSaaS/On-PremiseFree trial available
NexposeRapid7CommercialWindows/LinuxFree (Limited Capability)
NiktoCIRTOpen SourceUnix/Linux
ProbelyProbelyCommercialSaaSFree (Limited Capability)
ReconwithMeNassecCommercialSaaSFree (Limited Capability)
Ride (REST JSON Payload fuzzer)Adobe, Inc.Open SourceLinux / Mac / WindowsApache 2
SOATestParasoftCommercialWindows / Linux / Solaris
Sec-helpersVWT DigitalOpen Source or FreeN/A
SecPoint PenetratorSecPointCommercialN/A
Security For EveryoneSecurity For EveryoneCommercialSaaSFree (Limited Capability)
SecurusOrvant, IncCommercialN/A
SentinelWhiteHat SecurityCommercialN/A
Tinfoil SecurityTinfoil Security, Inc.CommercialSaaS or On-PremisesFree (Limited Capability)
Trustkeeper ScannerTrustwave SpiderLabsCommercialSaaS
VegaSubgraphOpen SourceWindows, Linux and Macintosh
WPScanWPScan TeamCommercialLinux and MacFree options
WapitiInformática GesforOpen SourceWindows, Unix/Linux and Macintosh
Web Security ScannerDefenseCodeCommercialOn-Premises
WebInspectMicro FocusCommercialWindows
WebScanServiceGerman Web SecurityCommercialN/A
Websecurify SuiteWebsecurifyCommercialWindows, Linux, MacintoshFree (Limited Capability)
WiktoSensepostOpen SourceWindows
Zed Attack ProxyOWASPOpen SourceWindows, Unix/Linux, and MacintoshApache-2.0
beSECURE (formerly AVDS)Beyond SecurityCommercialSaaSFree (Limited Capability)
w3afw3af.orgOpen SourceLinux and MacGPLv2.0


Web Server Stress Test Tool Open Source File

  • SAST Tools - OWASP page with similar information on Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools
  • Free for Open Source Application Security Tools - OWASP page that lists the Commercial Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) tools we know of that are free for Open Source
  • http://sectooladdict.blogspot.com/ - Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Evaluation Project (WAVSEP)
  • http://projects.webappsec.org/Web-Application-Security-Scanner-Evaluation-Criteria - v1.0 (2009)
  • http://www.slideshare.net/lbsuto/accuracy-and-timecostsofwebappscanners - White Paper: Analyzing the Accuracy and Time Costs of WebApplication Security Scanners - By Larry Suto (2010)
  • http://samate.nist.gov/index.php/Web_Application_Vulnerability_Scanners.html - NIST home page which links to: NIST Special Publication 500-269: Software Assurance Tools: Web Application Security Scanner Functional Specification Version 1.0 (21 August, 2007)
  • http://www.softwareqatest.com/qatweb1.html#SECURITY - A list of Web Site Security Test Tools. (Has both DAST and SAST tools)